Merry Cocktails Emblem


f. 2009-09-21


PRA- och FN normal/clear (A)

Owner: Irmina Lozia, kennel Modus Vivendi, Polen

Internationale Champion of Beauty
Internationale Show Champion

Polish Champion
Slovakia Champion
Bulgaria Champion
Polish Winner 2011
Junior Polish Winner 2010
Cruft qualification 2012, 2011
Junior Polish Champion
Junior Polish Winner
Junior Bulgaria Champion
Junior Macedonia Champion
Junior Moldavia Champion
6 x Cacib .... and much more

prcd-PRA - clear
PRA, RD CAT - frei - (clinical eye check november 2010)
FN-clear HD-A

Cola 2 år

Cola 2,5 år

"Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem

Adams & Bibbis son "Cola" är nu även Internationell Champion!!!

Internationale Champion of Beauty
Internationale Show Champion

Polish Champion
Slovakia Champion
Bulgaria Champion
Polish Winner 2011
Junior Polish Winner 2010
Cruft qualification 2012, 2011
Junior Polish Champion
Junior Polish Winner
Junior Bulgaria Champion
Junior Macedonia Champion
Junior Moldavia Champion
6 x Cacib .... and much more

prcd-PRA - clear
PRA, RD CAT - frei - (clinical eye check november 2010)
FN-clear HD-A

Cola 2 år



Cola 7 månader


Merry Cocktails Emblem 6 veckor

Pappa Adam med sina småttingar en dag gamla


Se Cola och hans syskon från nyfödda till 8 veckor

Mor och far:

Bibbi (Murbräckans Creme De La Creme) och Adam ( Glenbrows Never Say Never At Claramand)

Så här ser stamtavlan ut:


Glenbrows Never Say Never At ClaramandR



Claramand Caruso SR

Marand´s Paint It Black For ClaramandSR



Claramand Cameo At Selnna S

Cardamine Candleberry For GlenbrowsR

Cardamine LionheartR

Cardamine CandleglowR




Murbräckans Creme De La CremeL & R


Catchy Significant StuartL

Maxim V D DollardhoeveSR


Catchy Lovely LucyL


Love Cox's Gretna GreenL



Cardamine Limerick L


Love Cox's Question Of Pride S




CACIB ZAKOPANE - 04.08.2019. - Judge: Maciej Lipiec PL, BOG Judge: Andrzej Szutkiewicz.

"Sija" TOUCH OF WONDERFUL Modus Vivendi ( Int Ch CATCH THE WIND Renmils Dream x int Ch ISKIERKA Modus Vivendi ) 1st exc. in champion class, CWC, CACIB, BOB, IV BOG
She is Internationale Champion of Beauty from now !!! She has 6 x CACIB, 2 x res CACIB, and she is just 2 years old.

"Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER ( Merry Cocktails Queeny & "Laban" Merry Cocktails Xenon ) 1st exc. in champion class, CWC, CACIB, BOS
He is Internationale Champion of Beauty from now !!! He is 2 years old and has 6 x CACIB and 2 res CACIB.

I am over the moon   

Thank you Ann-Kristin Olsson for letting me have Wedel at home !!!  We love you !
Thank you Renata Niklasiewicz & Milena Seidel & Mirosława Czapla for letting me use "Black" CATCH THE WIND Renmils Dream - I am so gratefull !!! 

Thank you Beata Tomaszewicz for our trip - it was great time   

Cola, Merry Cocktails Emblem

Wedel, Merry Cocktails Returner


Euro Dog Show, Wels, Österrike

Int Ch Multi Ch "Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM - European Veteran Winner 2019 and Best Veteran on photo with Mr Moray Amstrong Ring judge was Mr Sean Delmar. Thank you  Breeder of Cola is Ann-Kristin Olsson - I love you for all what you are making for us  



2xCACIB Prilep (Macedonia):
"Sija" TOUCH OF WONDERFULL Modus Vivendi ( CATCH THE WIND Renmils Dream x ISKIERKA Modus Vivendi ) 2 x CAC, CACIB, BOS, BOB and ... 1 x Best of Group, 1 x res. BOG, MACEDONIA CHAMPION OF BEAUTY, 2 x 1st Best Handler with Anna, III Best Couple of the show with "Wedel" - she is 16 months old  
"Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER ( Merry Cocktails XENON x Merry Cocktails QUENNY ) 2 x CAC, 1 x CACIB and BOS, 1x res. CACIB, MACEDONIA CHAMPION III Best Couple with Sija. - he is 15 months old  - sorry I do not have picture of Wedel from the show.


Polen, Club Show

"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM as Veteran Club Winner 2018  my drem choco boy  Thank you Ann-Kristin Olsson that you gave me this boy to home, I will be very gratefull for always ! 

"Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER as Junior Club Winner 2018 ! I am sow proud  Thank you for the pics Dolores Kozłowska 
My congratulations for he's breeder Ann-Kristin Olsson, you are making fantastic job ! I love you 

CHOCO POWER at Club Show Poland 2018. On the picture from the left is Junior Club Winner Merry Cocktails RETURNER "WEDEL", NCIS KENSI Renmil's Dream ( Cola's daughter ) & Merry Coctails EMBLEM "Cola" as Veteran Club Winner.

Wonderfull news from Club Show in Poland tooday. "Wedel" Merry Cocktais RETURNER is Junior Club Winner 2018!  "Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM is Veteran Club Winner 2018!  pics I will send soon  Thank you for my beautifull choco boys!  It's amazing sucess 


2018-02-25 Lezno, Polen

Champion of Champion's Leszno PL, "Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER V1 CWC, Champion of Champions Winner and Best of Sex Winner at only 14 months old  
( father Merry Cocktails XENON, mother Merry Cocktails QUEENY ) lovely step in adult class 
Thank you Ann-Kristin Olsson for a such amazing choco dream 



Polen, Club Show

"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM as Veteran Club Winner 2018  my drem choco boy  Thank you Ann-Kristin Olsson that you gave me this boy to home, I will be very gratefull for always ! 

"Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER as Junior Club Winner 2018 ! I am sow proud  Thank you for the pics Dolores Kozłowska 
My congratulations for he's breeder Ann-Kristin Olsson, you are making fantastic job ! I love you 

CHOCO POWER at Club Show Poland 2018. On the picture from the left is Junior Club Winner Merry Cocktails RETURNER "WEDEL", NCIS KENSI Renmil's Dream ( Cola's daughter ) & Merry Coctails EMBLEM "Cola" as Veteran Club Winner.

Wonderfull news from Club Show in Poland tooday. "Wedel" Merry Cocktais RETURNER is Junior Club Winner 2018!  "Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM is Veteran Club Winner 2018!  pics I will send soon  Thank you for my beautifull choco boys!  It's amazing sucess 




IDS Poznań, judge Linda Volarikova
"Sija" TOUCH OF WONDERFULL Modus Vivendi V1/3 Junior Polish Winner ! - just 10 months old 
"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM V1 Best Veteran in Breed 
"Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER V2/5 just 10 months old 
We are very happy, we got high class description and big sucess for us - Thank you !
Thank you Iwona McClean for a lovely pics  and handling 


Internationale Dog Show Wroclaw PL 23 09 2017, judge Jan Ryk PL
"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM V1 Best Veteran in Breed and BEST OF BREED WINNER   
"Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER V1 Jun Winner, Best Junior in Breed, finalist Jun Bis
"Sija" TOUCH OF WONDERFULL Modus Vivendi V1 Jun Winner - NOW SHE IS JUNIOR CHAMPION OF POLAND - made this in only 3 shows !!! 
Thank you Beata Tomaszewicz & Małgorzata Bajurna for yours help at Bob competion ! Małgorzata went for BOB with Cola  
Thank you Starwil Kenel Sebastian Stark for a pictures  
Cola picture is from last weekend, sorry but no photo of him till now.




Krajowa Wystawa Psów Myśliwskich Legnickie Pole 19-08-2017r. judge Dorota Witkowska Pl 

Wedel, Merry Cocktails Returner BIR-valp, BIG-2 valp



National Dog Show Leszno, judge Grzegorz Weron PL 

"Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER ( choco ) very promossing 1/2 Best Minor Puppy in Breed.
"Sja" TOUCH OF WONDERFULL Modus Vivendi ( black )very promissing 1, Best Puppy in Breed.
Thank you for a lovely show


National Hunting Dog Poznań Antoninek

Lovely show debut with "Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER he got BIS BABY !!!!    
He received his first huge cup and many prizes - Thank you 

"Wedel" Merry Cocktails Returner

"Sija" TOUCH OF WONDERFULL Modus Vivendi Very Promissing 1 in puppy class 
we are very happy


CACIB OPOLE 22.04.2017
Judge: Antoan J. Hlebarov.(BG)
TOUCH OF WONDERFULL MODUS Vivendi "Sija" / CATCH THE WIND Renmils Dream x ISKIERKA Modus Vivendi / VP1, Najpiękniejsze Młodsze Szczenie w Rasie, BIS Młodszych Szczeniąt lokata III w bardzo dużej stawce, sędzia Monika Cyperling PL.
"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM V1 CWC

"Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem




National Dog Show Swiebodzice

"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM V1 CWC BOS and BOB, judge Jan Ryk after II Bis Working Dog 
"Sija" TOUCH OF WONDERFULL Modus Vivendi vp1/2 Best Junger Puppy in Breed and short finalist Bis Baby, judge Jaroslaw Grunt PL. 
And as the special guest at the show "Wedel" Merry Cocktails RETURNER not presented yet, still to young  but he had a big fun there 
Very good organization of the show with a lot of gifts from the finals  thank you.
Pics made just after comming back from a show to home 



Champion of Champions, Polen

Judge A Kazmierski, Pl

"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM at 7,5 years old Best of Breed Champion of Champions 2017 Poland - thank you for the pics Edyta Langer  judge Andrzej Kazmierski PL - we finnaly had a BIG PLEASURE to show him Cola  he said such a beautifull dog - thank you -

BOB "Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem

BOS JUST YOKO z Figlowego Koszyka / Claramand X-CLUSIVE x NANA Hetiw



"COLA" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM is Polish Winner 2016 - for the third time ! and Best of Sex Winner under breed specialist Eugenia Fengler - thank you sow much.

We couldn't be on saturday show becourse on friday and saturday were born two litters at our home - more news soon - what a fantastic time :)

Thank you dear friends for companion at the show <3


27 - 28 juli 2013

Dog Show in Walbrzych

Irmina Lozia writes "We spend a lovely day there, Cola Merry Cocktails EMBLEM got V1 CWC BOS BOB & IV BOG. He was presented by me and the breed ring and later at the final ring by Waldemar Brzeziński"



26 maj 2013

National Dog Show Świebodzice

Merry Cocktails EMBLEM V1 Cwc Bos BOB and II BOG. Breed judge Maria Zasada ( PL ), Group judge Zdenka Jilkova Czechia.


24 februari 2013

Champion Of Champions, Polen

"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM got V1 CWC Best of Breed. But also he went from 8'th group to Bis competition :-) He was at first 32 best dogs of this show ! Congrats Cola, you are really CHOCOLATE STAR !

Congrats Irmina!


18 augusti 2012

Leipzig, Germany

MVP Cola Merry Cocktails EMBLEM V1 Cac VDH
VP Leipzig Cola V1 Cac

Congrats Irmina!


"Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem - gjorde det igen!!!

V1 CAC CACIB BOB:) Internationale Dog Show Głogów Poland.

Congrats Irmina!


9 - 10 juni 2012

National dog show Erfurt 9.6.2012 - V1,Anw. Dt.Ch.VDH judge Karl Reisinger (D)
International dog show Erfurt 10.6.2012 - V1, Anw. Dt.Ch.VDH judge Horst Kliebenstein (D) 

Hugs and kisses to you Cola and Irmina!


18 - 20 maj 2012

"Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem representerade vårt namn på World Dog Show i Salzburg

Cola was presented by Alexandra Zemanová in working class, judge Carlos Seavich

Thanks and congrats Alexandra and Irmina!

Thank you for the photo Petr Studenik !


26 feb 2012 Leszno, judge Stanisław Firlik, Poland

Adams och Bibbis son "Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem

Champion of Champions 2012!!

Internationale Champion of Beauty
Internationale Show Champion

Polish Champion
Slovakia Champion
Bulgaria Champion
Polish Winner 2011
Junior Polish Winner 2010
Cruft qualification 2012, 2011
Junior Polish Champion
Junior Polish Winner
Junior Bulgaria Champion
Junior Macedonia Champion
Junior Moldavia Champion
6 x Cacib .... and much more

Congrats Irmina! We are very proud of you!


MVP Trencin 28th of January 2012 judge Jaroslav Matyas
"Cola " Merry Cocktails EMBLEM got V1 Cac and Cacib !

Adams & Bibbis son "Cola" är nu även Internationell Champion!!!

Internationale Champion of Beauty
Internationale Show Champion

Polish Champion
Slovakia Champion
Bulgaria Champion
Polish Winner 2011
Junior Polish Winner 2010
Cruft qualification 2012, 2011
Junior Polish Champion
Junior Polish Winner
Junior Bulgaria Champion
Junior Macedonia Champion
Junior Moldavia Champion
6 x Cacib .... and much more

Congrats Cola & Irmina! We are so proud of you:-)


23 oktober 2011

Adams och Bibbis son "Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem Polish Winner 2011, CACIB, Kvalificerad till Crufts!!

Internationale Dog Show Poznan 2011 - Polish Winner & Cruft qualification "Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM got V1 Cwc Cacib Polish Winner 2011 !!! Amazing success for us ♥ Thank you he's breeder Ann - Kristin for my prince! He was flying in the ring ♥ ♥

Congrats Irmina and Alexandra!


28 augusti 2011

"Som grädde på moset" denna helg fick "Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem 1:a pris på jaktprovet!!

Grattis Irmina och Alexandra!

3 juli 2011

National Dog Show Gorzów Wlkp.
Judge: Renata Niklasiewicz

"Cola" Merry Cocktails EMBLEM V1 Cac BOS BOB III BOG

You did it again! Congrats Irmina!



13 maj 2011

Bratislava, World Cocker Show 

"Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem V1 CAC!!


7 maj 2011

Club show Kačina, judge Dusko Piljevic

"Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem at Club show exc. 2 res. CAC


30 januari 2011

Merry Cocktails Emblem

"Cola" was V1 CAC CACIB BOB:) Internationale Dog Show Głogów Poland

Judge: Małogrzata Wieremiejczyk-Wierzchowska, Poland




15 - 16 januari 2011

Sofia, Bulgarien

"Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem

Sofia, Bulgarien: 2 x Cacib show.
"First day Cola was V1 Cac Cacib and Bob also IV BOG. Judge: Mstislav Polivanov, Russia.
Next day he was V1 Cac Cacib Bob BOG-1. Judge: Antoan Hlebarov, Bulgaria.
He is now Bulgaria Champion!
He is only 15 months old and was presented in intermediate class for the first time :)"

Bilder från utställningen!

Congrats Irmina and Cola!!!


Helgen 6 - 7 november 2010

Internationale Dog Show in Poznan Poland

Cola (Merry Cocktails Emblem, e Glenbrows Never Say Never At Claramand u Murbräckans Creme De La Creme)

V1 Jun Cac, Best Junior in Breed also Polish Junior Winner!!

Supergrattis Irmina!!!



"Cola" Merry Cocktails Emblem

Internationale Dog Show Sopot - Poland. Cola was V1 Junior Winner and Best Junior in Breed. He finished as Junior Champion of Poland :-)))))

Cola was V1 and Junior Cac and Junior Bob in Macedonia, Moldavia and Bulgaria, he is also Junior Champion of this countries :-))))

Sow now we have 4 jun Ch titules ;)

Congrats Irmina from a proud and happy breeder!


26 juni -10:

National Dog Show Nowa Ruda Poland

Adam och Bibbis son Cola (Merry Ccocktails Emblem) 9 månader

Har debuterat i juniorklass och blev BIR och BIG-1!!!


25 april -10:

Internationale Dog Show in Opole

"Cola" MC Emblem Best Puppy in Breed!!

"Cola" MC Emblem 7 månader

Congrats Irmina! You're doing well!


7 mars -10:

National Dog Show in Drzonkow, Poland

Adams och Bibbis son Cola (MC Emblem) BIS-valp

First in baby class (high promising degree)

Congratulations Irmina! You're a beautiful team:-)




